Neps Resource

The Workforce Evolutionaries: Finding a Place for AI in Our Communications

Written by Elizabeth Burnes | Jul 26, 2023 1:54:39 PM

We are, in essence, staring down the barrel of another Industrial Revolution.

OpenAI tools, some not even a year old, have had massive implications on every sector of society, and we have not come close to reaching any definitive answers. ChatGPT’s interactive platform provides users with intelligible conversation and prose, blurring the creative lines between chatbots and people. Codex can interpret systematic commands and translate them into usable code in over a dozen programming languages. DALL·E 2 can produce images from realistic photographs to stylized artwork, all within a few moments of receiving a simple prompt. The list goes on, and their respective user bases and competencies grow by the day.

Just as the development of machinery catapulted the once-handmade world into its next innovative stage some 250 years ago, AI will soon lead us past machinery into the next stage — an Evolution Revolution, so to speak. Ready or not, we are approaching a societal turning point, and we in the CCM industry know that one of the first footholds for transformation will lie in what arguably makes us most human: our communications.